Social Protection, as defined by the United Nation Research Institute for Social Development is concerned with preventing, managing and overcoming situations that adversely affect people well being. Social Protection consists of policies and programmers design to reduce poverty and vulnerability by promoting effective labor markets, diminishing people's exposure to risks, and enhancing their capacity to manage economic and social risks, such as unemployment, exclusion, sickness, disability and old age.
The Government of Nepal has established the provision for social security in the Constitution of Nepal, 2015. It mention “the indigent citizens, incapacitated and helpless citizens, helpless single women, citizens with disabilities, children, citizens who cannot take care themselves and citizens belonging to the tribes on the verge of extinction shall have the right to social security, in accordance with law (Part 2 of section 43)”.
Current Legal/Policy Framework of Social Security
- Constitution of Nepal 2015 (BS 2072)
- Employees Provident Fund Act –1962 (BS 2019)
- Citizen Investment Trust Act – 1990 (BS 2047)
- Civil Servant Act – 1993 (BS 2049)
- Civil Servant Regulation –1993 (BS 2049)
- Labor Act and Regulation –1991/92 (BS 2048/49)
- Bonus Act – 1974 ( BS 2030)
- Income Tax Act – 2001 (BS 2058)
- Senior Citizen Act – 2006 ( BS 2063)
Indicator of social security friendly VDC
- Ward Citizen Forum members are acknowledged on social protection services that are provided by state,
- Village development committee will be providing services related to social security,
- Social Security services are easily and timely offered to people by local units,
- Name of client’s and their services are been digitalized and offer accordingly,
- Social Security tax of staff is deposited by organization and institution,
- Government and private institutional will incorporate disable friendly infrastructure,
- Social Security services like old age, disable, single women, widow allowance are provided through mobile banking,
- 33% female and marginalized community participation in every subcommittee formed by village development committee,
- Name list of Social Security services recivers will be printed in flex and publish within office premises,
- Every school going children will be admitting in school,
- Victimized, disable, marginalized people will be engaged in income generation activities.